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I am a HUGE fan of the iPhone and what it has done for technology.  One clever device with so many uses…how did we ever live without it?

And it just seems to get better. A product developed by ‘Square‘, allows payments to be immediately made through any device with an audio jack input. A fast, simple way to accept and make payments. Especially good for small businesses, fundraisers and vendors. Below is a screen shot of a receipt that is sent to your phone or email, no paper receipts!

From the Square website

“In February 2009, Jim McKelvey wasn’t able to sell a piece of his glass art because he couldn’t accept a credit card as payment. Even though a majority of payments has moved to plastic cards, accepting payments from cards is still difficult, requiring long applications, expensive hardware, and an overly complex experience. Square was born a few days later right next to the old San Francisco US Mint.

Today the Square team is focused on bringing immediacy, transparency, and approachability to the world of payments: an inherently social interaction each of us participates in daily. We’re starting with a limited beta and rolling out to everyone in early 2010.”

This video takes you through the process step by step. Have a look….

via: twitter

To continue on my previous Disney Princess theme….follow this simple advice and you will surely get your Princess.

via: Strollerderby

As the mother of a 4 year old girl, I know Princesses. I live with one. Maya will wear a Princess dress every chance she gets – and as soon as that polyester, sparkly, fabric touches her, and the tiara is placed on her head, she transforms.

We were discussing the Princess phenomenon last night while in the presence of Snow White and Tiana, and wondered why it is such a huge thing for little girls. We don’t know why. Fantasy? Happy endings? I think they feel a sense of power and magic in those little dresses. Oh…to be 4.

I remember seeing photographs a while ago about Princesses’ real lives. The exhibit is called ‘Fallen Princesses’, and Dina Goldstein illustrates these perfect Princesses in not so perfect situations. They are telling and beautiful images. For anyone in Vancouver, you can see the exhibit until January 15th at The Listel Hotel.

I don’t think that I will show my daughter these photos. Not just yet…I will let her believe in Princesses just a while longer.

Dina Goldstein

Here is my Princess!

…and finally…my one and only Princess accessory!

Is your New Year’s Resolution to reduce the amount of time you spend on Social Media sites? Or maybe it’s to completely stop the time-sucking that is Facebook and Twitter.

Here’s a site you should know about…Web 2.0 Suicide Machine . It allows you to sign out of all your Social Networking sites forever.

“Liberate your newbie friends with a Web2.0 suicide! This machine lets you delete all your energy sucking social-networking profiles, kill your fake virtual friends, and completely do away with your Web2.0 alterego. The machine is just a metaphor for the website which moddr_ is hosting; the belly of the beast where the web2.0 suicide scripts are maintained. Our service currently runs with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn! Commit NOW!”

This is for serious quitters only. Once you commit Social Networking suicide – there is no going back. It takes less than an hour to delete all traces by the suicide machine. Manual suicide?  9 hours 35 minutes.

Watch videos of those who were brave even to commit, read their last words…and do it if you dare!















RIP! A Remix Manifesto is an open-source documentary film that looks deeply into the ‘illegal’ activity that is music sharing. The Remix Culture. The Culture Jammers. Technically the film itself is breaking copyright laws by even telling us about it, showing us examples…

“Filmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age, mashing up the media landscape of the 20th century and shattering the wall between users and producers. The film’s central protagonist is Girl Talk, a mash-up musician topping the charts with his sample-based songs. But is Girl Talk a paragon of people power or the Pied Piper of piracy? “

You decide. The entire film is available for one week only to view online. After that, you can purchase at Disinformation.














An interesting look at the re-mix culture and all its implications. A really great film.

Thanks: Jason Nip!

bagelhead-1Japan has always produced some of the craziest fads, but I am thinking this one must be one of the craziest of all. Bagelheads. Saline Injections cause swelling that can be molded into pretty much any shape you like.  Japanese club goers fancy the bagel. Because really… nothing is more flattering than bagel popping out of your forehead. 

“The bagelhead bumps can even be shaded blue or green with food coloring and molded into any shape you like.”

thanks, Karl Wong

Not sure how I feel about this…it is the same idea as the 3D baseball cards that I blogged about a while ago.  I love technology as much as the next guy,
but I guess I am a bit of a purist when it comes to my printed material.  An indication of how traditional media is desperately trying to keep pace with digital technology.

Check it out for yourself, in the July issue of Popular Science.

I remember seeing the 2008 October issue of Esquire that had printed 100,000 copies using e-ink for the cover. They were the first to use electronic paper technology in this way.

If I want to see moving images, I will go online.  But hey…that’s just me, guess I am just old fashioned.
Can’t a magazine just be a magazine?  
How long before we see an augmented reality version of Brad Pitt on the cover of  Vanity Fair?













A guerilla campaign to promote unknown online bookstore, Editoras Online, was created by DDB Brasil.  Part of the campaign included a book that regularly updates its content.
The book features a series of QR codes, that with the use of a cell phone the reader can decode to reveal messages of love and hate that have been posted on Twitter. 

“Every time someone who is following the campaign’s Twitter profile tweets a phrase containing either the words ‘love’ or ‘hate’, that phrase is captured and linked to one of the QR codes in the book. Tiago Marcondes, who created the campaign, explains that they would have liked to pull in phrases from all over Twitter but lawyers advised that only those of people following the campaign could be used.”

There were 4000 stickers with 200 different QR codes posted around São Paulo. Each sticker says “Here’s a moment of love” or “hate” and has a QR code below. Users with QR-enabled phones can decode the graphic to reveal the phrase from Twitter. The stickers and the book QR codes were updated every 7 days with new phrases.

Complicated?  Watch the video for a full demo on how the campaign works…Collaborative, Open Source, Interactive,Viral.


via: The Daily What



































Social Media…”unlocking the awesome potential of behavioral disorders.”
Looks like Twitter is the ‘sweet spot’.

The Social Media Venn Diagram Tee from Despair, Inc….

via: noquedanblogs

Just got this via Mashable on Twitter.  You can always count on Mashable for great posts!

Have a look…

ahh…The Dancing Baby…1996.  Probably the first Internet Meme. My first experience with the ‘InterWeb’ i think. We were amazed at the technology…others include “Charlie Bit My Finger” with 100 million views [wtf?]
and of course Susan Boyle made the list at #20. 

Some are weird and bizarre, but isn’t that what the internet is all about?! 

via: mashable